Denise Bittenger, July 2012

I've added a lovely photo of Wendy with our girls, Lauren and Erica, to the Gallery. They were just turning 5 and 3 years old when we were preparing to return to the U.S. after having lived in Germany for 6 years. Wendy photographed our entire family in the wonderful park at the edge of our neighborhood on one of our last days in Cologne. It was bitter sweet because we were all together on a beautiful day in one of our favorite spots – but we knew we were leaving all our beloved people and places behind. I took this shot of Wendy with the girls at the end of our photo shoot because, far from being just “the photographer”, she was part of our family in Cologne, too. She was always so patient and kind with the girls, whether she was being challenged by trying to take a wonderful photo of them, or just spending time together being good neighbors. In fact, Wendy was kind and full of smiles for everyone all the time. Our girls are now 13 and 11 years old, and, thanks to Wendy, we have so many beautiful photos of their innocent youth. Glancing at them as we often do, we are not only reminded of that magical time of our little girls, but also of the beautiful girl, Wendy, who stood behind the camera making them smile.