Jim Davenport, July 2012

I met Wendy in Bristol as the wife of the ever witty and amusing Steve. I was playing hockey at Firebrands and having a great time as we were quite a successful team, but more importantly, it was certainly an extremely amusing bunch of guys – Cootsie, Laitty, Spike, Rizzo, Atko, Beagle, Purch and Gazza to name but a few! The theme of good humour and friendship was carried through to Saturday evening dinner parties with Wendy and Steve and other good friends. For me, it was here that I got to know Wendy, either as a jolly guest or an attentive hostess dishing up fabulous cooking. She was always good fun, smiling and laughing, rarely the centre of attention (there was a host of others vying for that title!) but ever engaged in the debates and conversations. Her warmth shone through, even in a group, making every occasion that much more enjoyable, and she strangely never lived up to Steve's affectionate nickname of 'nest of vipers'!!! I was also lucky enough to be invited to Sardinia with Wendy and Steve and the Sharman family. A wonderful holiday, great company, and an opportunity to spend lazy days in the sun, chatting, chilling and getting thrashed at backgammon! More recently, when Wendy and Steve had returned from foreign travels, we would occasionally meet up for lunch. Although sometimes tired with her illness, Wendy was always engaged and animated with our children, interested in our lives and telling us about her's and Steve’s. She was often able to do this with her photos, a passion that brought her travels and subjects to life, and a showcase for her gorgeous and colourful garden. Even though we didn’t see Wendy often after our days together in Bristol, we miss her kindness, congruence, dignity and warmth that made Wendy such a wonderful and memorable person.